Custom Apps


The x. section exists to support custom integrations that aren't yet natively supported. Anything that can be achieved with a shell script can be done here, including calling other full binaries.

A few ideas:


Section: [x.*]

Configuration keys, defaults, and descriptions
Key Default Description
name (none)

A human-friendly name for this app, used for logging.

dark (none)

The command to run to enter dark mode for the app. Executed as the argument to sh -c.

light (none)

The command to run to enter light mode for the app. Executed as the argument to sh -c.

disabled false Disables Custom Apps


# Switch vim themes on my remote dev machine
name = "vim on dev box"
dark = "ssh thcon dark vim"
light = "ssh thcon light vim"

name = "desktop background"
dark = "~/bin/ '~/Pictures/Dark and Moody.jpg'"
light = "~/bin/ '~/Pictures/Light and Airy.jpg'"